Pacific Quest

Understanding Why Group Therapy is Right for Your Teen

Counselors around the world echo similar thoughts when it comes to teens who fail to engage time after time. Whether the young person is unnaturally disagreeable, uninterested or simply unable to effectively communicate in therapeutic sessions, an underlying truth becomes evident; sometimes one-on-one therapy isn’t enough. Despite accolades, praise and a sterling reputation for recovery

Counselors around the world echo similar thoughts when it comes to teens who fail to engage time after time. Whether the young person is unnaturally disagreeable, uninterested or simply unable to effectively communicate in therapeutic sessions, an underlying truth becomes evident; sometimes one-on-one therapy isn’t enough. Despite accolades, praise and a sterling reputation for recovery will only go so far. Therapists are beginning to see a new trend for mental and emotional recovery, and it is rooted in group therapy.


A teen who stubbornly refuses to participate in therapy could have problems communicating to an adult, despite the confidentiality of a private session. This type of teen is more likely to open up in a more public setting with peers working through similar issues. The shame of wayward behavior is replaced by encouragement and resolution.

In a group therapy setting, the person sharing feels less judgment and more relatability. Instead of receiving the individual attention of a therapist, they are met with the empathy of their peers. They become more vocal, discover new paths to recovery and come to a realization that the problems they face are being addressed by peers in very similar situations.

The nature of transitioning from youth into teen years and then to adulthood is that oftentimes young adults can feel alienated and lonely. Group therapy for teenagers offers a place to bond and find a cohesive center for improvement. Receiving feedback and working through problems with other young adults can result in a commitment to collectively reconstruct a group’s emotional faculties.

A Model of Progression

In these sessions, teens discover new ways to learn about the troubles they are facing, how best to express them in a safe setting, and where to find a solution in their daily lives. In all, teens in group therapy often leave with a broader perspective on the issues they need to work through, and what makes their specific problem worse. Furthermore, the structure of group therapy allows the newer additions to see the progress and triumphs of the more senior members. Progression in their peers will inspire progress in themselves.

Group therapy for teenagers is certainly not right for every case, but recently it has garnered tremendous results. Regardless of your current routine, if you are seeking solace for your teen, consider how they might respond to this method. Some teens do not respond well to group therapy out of fear of embarrassment or pride, and should consider alternative paths.

Group Therapy for Teenagers at Pacific Quest

Pacific Quest offers an approach specifically tailored to a student’s needs. Each student is introduced to a hybrid approach that incorporates both types of therapy, allowing for more opportunities to help your teen feel welcome to open up and express how they feel.

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