Here is an excerpt from the initial letter we received from guides Joseph LaZenka and Petra Lentz regarding the PQ staff vision quest. We are planning a seven day program that focuses on a three day fast and solo experience.
The letter sent chills up my spine, as I am faced with “the call.” Expect more posts on this topic as there are so many incredible avenues to explore with respect to the solo experience.
Letter 9/09
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Cambell
For a while now you have been watching the teens you work with prepare and go out for their solos. You have even answered some of their questions and offered your advice. Now the time has come for you to cross over the threshold and enter, empty bellied into the expansive silence of this beautiful island you call home. The time has come for you to move more deeply into the ways you can serve, yourself, the people you love, your work and this mystery we call life. You have heard the call to vision fast! For three days and nights you will find your own way to claim, give voice to and celebrate the gifts that life has instilled within you. We deeply honor how difficult and sometimes frightening it can be to say yes to that which is calling you.
Joseph LaZenka; Director, School of Lost Borders
A vision fast guide and trainer since 1986, Joseph joined the Staff of the School in 1993 and co-directed the School with Emerald North from 2001 through 2005. Angelo brings a passionate, dramatic voice to the nurturing of individual character and calling, and a mythic empathy for people, their dreams, and the healing power of nature.
Petra Lentz; Director, Open Sky Journeys
Born and raised in Germany, Petra is a licensed practitioner of naturopathic medicine and shamanic questing in Europe. Her training in the U.S. ranges from the Bear Tribe, founded by Chippewa medicine man, Sun Bear, to the School of Lost Borders and Steven and Meredith Foster. Her work is focused on the Vision Quest, the teaching of the 4 Shields, earth awareness, counseling, healing rituals and nature ceremony. She has led Vision Quests since 1994. What keeps the work most alive for her is the depth of transformation in people that she has witnessed in the years of the work.
PQ staff vision quest in November
Here is an excerpt from the initial letter we received from guides Joseph LaZenka and Petra Lentz regarding the PQ staff vision quest. We are planning a seven day program that focuses on a three day fast and solo experience. The letter sent chills up my spine, as I am faced with “the call.” Expect …
Here is an excerpt from the initial letter we received from guides Joseph LaZenka and Petra Lentz regarding the PQ staff vision quest. We are planning a seven day program that focuses on a three day fast and solo experience.
The letter sent chills up my spine, as I am faced with “the call.” Expect more posts on this topic as there are so many incredible avenues to explore with respect to the solo experience.
Letter 9/09
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Cambell
For a while now you have been watching the teens you work with prepare and go out for their solos. You have even answered some of their questions and offered your advice. Now the time has come for you to cross over the threshold and enter, empty bellied into the expansive silence of this beautiful island you call home. The time has come for you to move more deeply into the ways you can serve, yourself, the people you love, your work and this mystery we call life. You have heard the call to vision fast! For three days and nights you will find your own way to claim, give voice to and celebrate the gifts that life has instilled within you. We deeply honor how difficult and sometimes frightening it can be to say yes to that which is calling you.
Joseph LaZenka; Director, School of Lost Borders
A vision fast guide and trainer since 1986, Joseph joined the Staff of the School in 1993 and co-directed the School with Emerald North from 2001 through 2005. Angelo brings a passionate, dramatic voice to the nurturing of individual character and calling, and a mythic empathy for people, their dreams, and the healing power of nature.
Petra Lentz; Director, Open Sky Journeys
Born and raised in Germany, Petra is a licensed practitioner of naturopathic medicine and shamanic questing in Europe. Her training in the U.S. ranges from the Bear Tribe, founded by Chippewa medicine man, Sun Bear, to the School of Lost Borders and Steven and Meredith Foster. Her work is focused on the Vision Quest, the teaching of the 4 Shields, earth awareness, counseling, healing rituals and nature ceremony. She has led Vision Quests since 1994. What keeps the work most alive for her is the depth of transformation in people that she has witnessed in the years of the work.