Welcome to the Aloha state—where people live longer, relax more and breathe easier. Considered one of the top vacation spots in the world, Hawaii is indeed made up of a chain of breathtaking islands. However, don’t think Hawaii is just resorts and hula huts. It’s also home to Pacific Quest!
Hawaiian Culture
You may know that Aloha can mean hello or goodbye, but did you know there’s a deeper meaning? The word signifies a way of life and a represents a fundamental code of ethics.
A, ala, watchful, alertness
L, lokahi, working with unity
O, oia’i’o, truthful honesty
H, ha’aha’a, humility
A, ahonui, patient perseverance
Aloha Aina is a phrase directly tied to Pacific Quest’s mission, as it means to love the land. For students at Pacific Quest, learning to love the land and learning to love one’s self are interwoven lessons. The values that make up Hawaii’s culture provide an important foundation for the Pacific Quest Wilderness Therapy experience. All students participate in land and service projects designed to protect Hawaii’s natural heritage and in the process learn to be stewards of their communities and to give of themselves to others.
Hawaiian Health
Hawaii was ranked No. 1 out of all 50 states for emotional health, according to a Gallup-Healthways’ Well-Being Index. In fact, Hawaiians have been found to live longer than people in other states, too. Just like the constant trade winds blowing in fresh air, Hawaii is the place where one can wipe the slate clean and re-emerge anew.
The Hawaiian ‘healthy mind, healthy body’ mentality resonates with Pacific Quest students, and many enjoy learning the proper awareness tools to effectively manage their emotions and stress levels.
Hawaiian Food and Farming
Hawaii has an ideal climate for year-round farming. At Pacific Quest, organic farming is a major component of the program as it provides the focus, metaphors and congruency with traditional Hawaiian sustainable agriculture. Students grow their own fruits and vegetables and thrive on a primarily organic, anti-inflammatory, whole foods diet. All animal proteins are organic and locally sourced. Experiencing true farm-to-table meal preparation is experiencing the Hawaiian way.
Hawaiian Excursions
Possibly the best of all, there’s absolutely no shortage of outdoor activities in Hawaii. From snorkeling the white sand beaches to hiking lush, remote fields and forests, students at Pacific Quest spend much needed quality time in nature. It’s easy to find success with a Wilderness Therapy program in Hawaii because we respect Mother Nature and everything this experiential environment has to offer.
Indeed, Hawaii has many things it can teach the rest of America about living better. At Pacific Quest, our team has many things we can teach students about whole-person wellness. Interested in learning more about our Young Adult or Adolescent therapy programs in Hawaii? Contact our Admissions Team today.

Why Hawaii?
Welcome to the Aloha state—where people live longer, relax more and breathe easier. Considered one of the top vacation spots in the world, Hawaii is indeed made up of a chain of breathtaking islands. However, don’t think Hawaii is just resorts and hula huts. It’s also home to Pacific Quest! Hawaiian Culture You may know …
Welcome to the Aloha state—where people live longer, relax more and breathe easier. Considered one of the top vacation spots in the world, Hawaii is indeed made up of a chain of breathtaking islands. However, don’t think Hawaii is just resorts and hula huts. It’s also home to Pacific Quest!
Hawaiian Culture
You may know that Aloha can mean hello or goodbye, but did you know there’s a deeper meaning? The word signifies a way of life and a represents a fundamental code of ethics.
A, ala, watchful, alertness
L, lokahi, working with unity
O, oia’i’o, truthful honesty
H, ha’aha’a, humility
A, ahonui, patient perseverance
Aloha Aina is a phrase directly tied to Pacific Quest’s mission, as it means to love the land. For students at Pacific Quest, learning to love the land and learning to love one’s self are interwoven lessons. The values that make up Hawaii’s culture provide an important foundation for the Pacific Quest Wilderness Therapy experience. All students participate in land and service projects designed to protect Hawaii’s natural heritage and in the process learn to be stewards of their communities and to give of themselves to others.
Hawaiian Health
Hawaii was ranked No. 1 out of all 50 states for emotional health, according to a Gallup-Healthways’ Well-Being Index. In fact, Hawaiians have been found to live longer than people in other states, too. Just like the constant trade winds blowing in fresh air, Hawaii is the place where one can wipe the slate clean and re-emerge anew.
The Hawaiian ‘healthy mind, healthy body’ mentality resonates with Pacific Quest students, and many enjoy learning the proper awareness tools to effectively manage their emotions and stress levels.
Hawaiian Food and Farming
Hawaii has an ideal climate for year-round farming. At Pacific Quest, organic farming is a major component of the program as it provides the focus, metaphors and congruency with traditional Hawaiian sustainable agriculture. Students grow their own fruits and vegetables and thrive on a primarily organic, anti-inflammatory, whole foods diet. All animal proteins are organic and locally sourced. Experiencing true farm-to-table meal preparation is experiencing the Hawaiian way.
Hawaiian Excursions
Possibly the best of all, there’s absolutely no shortage of outdoor activities in Hawaii. From snorkeling the white sand beaches to hiking lush, remote fields and forests, students at Pacific Quest spend much needed quality time in nature. It’s easy to find success with a Wilderness Therapy program in Hawaii because we respect Mother Nature and everything this experiential environment has to offer.
Indeed, Hawaii has many things it can teach the rest of America about living better. At Pacific Quest, our team has many things we can teach students about whole-person wellness. Interested in learning more about our Young Adult or Adolescent therapy programs in Hawaii? Contact our Admissions Team today.