Dr. Konik had a huge impact on our child. After our daughter spent years in therapy, he was the first person to figure out the best method to communicate with her and get results. We developed a great rapport with him and believe that his observations and insight were spot on. His passion for his work and his compassion for our daughter was evident. Dr. Konik rocks!!
-George F
Our Therapeutic Model
Our students benefit from a highly collaborative clinical environment where therapists, psychologists, and medical professionals develop and implement individualized multidisciplinary treatment plans.
How NMT Works at Pacific Quest
When students first arrive, we focus on the basics: sleep, hydration, and nutrition. Through a structured schedule, sensory-based interventions, and individual therapy, we help students establish a routine and a sense of physical and emotional security.
Once students settle in, we help them build meaningful connections within the PQ community. We achieve this through group therapy, projects and games, family video therapy, farm activities, and outings.
With the foundation of routine, safety, and connection in place, we now shift our focus to building an individualized set of skills and insights. Students take on increasing responsibility for their routine, daily expectations, and time management. We emphasize the development of practical and portable strategies to ensure a smooth transition.
Why NMT?
NMT is not one specific therapeutic technique or intervention. Instead, it’s an evidence based developmentally sensitive, neurobiologically informed approach to clinical work. It gives us a way to organize each student’s history and current functioning to optimize the therapeutic process.
Additionally, NMT provides a framework that allows us to weave various activities into students’ relationships and environments. In this way, most “therapeutic” experiences occur outside of the actual context of conventional therapy.
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™
Our program is certified in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT). The neurosequential approach lets us consider each student’s unique challenges and traumas and pick a treatment modality that’s most appropriate in the moment, as it relates to their stage of brain development. By focusing on the brain, we help students forge new neural pathways for lasting change.
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Dr. Konik had a huge impact on our child. After our daughter spent years in therapy, he was the first person to figure out the best method to communicate with her and get results. We developed a great rapport with him and believe that his observations and insight were spot on. His passion for his work and his compassion for our daughter was evident. Dr. Konik rocks!!
-George F