Integrative Psychiatric Services

The Pacific Quest integrative psychiatric model combines psychiatric care with naturopathic medicine and individualized clinical care. Our integrative psychiatry team is led by Dr. Doug Emch and PQ’s Medical Director, Dr. Britta Zimmer. If medication management or psychiatric services are warranted, the student—along with their Primary Therapist—will meet with the integrative psychiatry team for a comprehensive evaluation.

How It Works

Upon enrollment, our psychiatrist, medical team, and Primary Therapist conduct a thorough review of the student’s file. With initial observations, the team collaborates with the family and home treatment providers to initiate an individualized treatment plan at PQ. The integrated plan is developed further with the student’s self-evaluation and involvement. Throughout the program, the entire team meets regularly to update and evaluate the treatment plan, outcomes, and goals.

When the student meets with the integrative psychiatry team, we gather current and past medical history, complete an initial evaluation, and devise a treatment plan. We also implement a medical wellness plan to assess and improve nutrition, sleep, and physical activity as appropriate.

Recommendations may include medication changes (if warranted), naturopathic supplements, and lifestyle changes compatible with Pacific Quest’s ​overall medical wellness model.

What Is Integrative Psychiatry?

Integrative psychiatry uses both conventional and complementary therapies to address individual treatment needs. Our psychiatrist, medical team, and primary therapist collaborate with the student and their family to develop personalized treatment plans to reduce symptoms and build self-efficacy strategies.

Medication Management

Pacific Quest’s integrative psychiatric model allows for the therapeutic streamlining and optimization of medication regimens in a controlled setting. Our approach to medication incorporates a cautious philosophy that strives to avoid dependence, side effects, and the superficial management of symptoms.

To reduce risk, support true health, and maximize time in residential care, we may recommend vitamins and/or supplements as part of our treatment recommendations. These are natural products with a very low risk of adverse effects or dependence that have scientific evidence of effectiveness. We evaluate and treat each case individually.

Our son had a very positive and transformative experience at Pacific Quest last summer. The staff was very skilled and professional and helped him get on his way to a healthy and postitive future!

-Leigh O