
Program Guides: The Heart & Soul of Wilderness Therapy

By Clementine Wilson, Field Manager Anyone who has worked as a wilderness therapy guide has probably struggled to answer the question: “what do you do for a living” or “what’s your job like?” As a former guide, I’ve certainly struggled to find the words to explain the incredibly unique and challenging role of the professional

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Blog Entry #2: Ongoing Revelations of an Ironman in Training

Mike Sullivan, M.A., LMHC Family & Alumni Services Director With the race approaching in less than a month, Ironman training is in full swing!  Training has ramped up to 20+ hours per week, including relentless swimming drills, 100+ mile bike rides on the Kona coast, and jungle runs. This has been an epic “El Nino”

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Defining Feature: PQ’s Accredited Academics

Did you know that Pacific Quest has a fully-accredited Academic curriculum? During a typical eight-week stay, Pacific Quest students have the opportunity to take six academic courses for a total of 3.5 academic credits in the following subject areas: Career and Technical Education – Horticulture Pathway (0.5 credits) Health Education – Health Education (0.5 credits)

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PQ to Present at Wilderness Therapy Symposium

The “Dirty Work” of Transformation: Horticultural Therapy & Rites of Passage Presentation to be held Saturday, August 29 in Park City, Utah at the OBH Wilderness Therapy Symposium PQ’s Horticultural Therapy Director, Travis Slagle and Adolescent Field Manager, Clementine Wilson invite you to join them as they present: The “Dirty Work” of Transformation: Horticultural Therapy

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Kudos Team PQ!

Dear Pacific Quest Community- with a special shout out to Bridger and Jennifer (you two rock!), Mike Sullivan (Family Program Director extraordinaire!) and Lindsey (Buffalo gals!), What a great team. Mahalo a million times. Thank you for getting a true smile, sparkle, and enthusiasm into the moment and into the future. PQ has laid a foundation for our child.  Our

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Internet Addiction: Our Son’s Journey of Healing

As parents, we were really at a point (like many families) where we had exhausted what few resources we had available to us. Our son has learning differences but had never been diagnosed on the spectrum. We had always thought wilderness programs were for kids who were out of control, bad behavior, drugs and alcohol.

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Anxiety, Avoidance, and The Hero’s Journey

Jeremy Nunnelley, LPC, NCC PQ Therapist Anxiety is an increasingly common problem for adolescents and young adults. The worry and fear associated with anxiety disorders can result in self-doubt, irritability, difficulty focusing, and feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks. In addition to these primary symptoms, other issues can worsen and be made more resistant to treatment

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